Briefly about Belsolod
Belsolod is a malting company from Belarus that has been specializing in the production of brewing malt since 1989. Large beverage groups and small craft breweries from across the globe make beer from our malt. It is our priority to help our customers make excellent beer.
Everything changes – time, technologies, ways to do business – and only the traditionally high quality of Belarusian malt remains unchanged.
Raw-material base
Partnering and working closely together with barley producers allow us to ensure the receipt of high quality raw materials and significantly reduce production costs.
Team of professionals
Our employees are true experts in their fields. More than 70% of Belsolod staff have over 10 years of experience in the malt business.
Tailored approach
The interests of our clients are always paramount. We strive to satisfy the requests and needs of even the most demanding and pickiest brewers.
Our products
Malt is an essential ingredient for beer production. Our range of malts will allow you to make beer for absolutely every taste, from the very light lager to the very dark ale.

Pilsen malt
Pilsen malt
Pilsen malt is an ideal base malt and is the main ingredient for all styles of premium beer.

Dark Vienna malt
Dark Vienna malt
Vienna malt is produced from two-row spring malting barley with the use of the same technology as for Pilsen malt, but it is kilned at higher temperatures.

Caramel malt
Caramel malt
Caramel malt is made on a roasting drum from the “green malt” (the sprouted grain). This malt type is designed to give beer the required colour, aroma and flavour.

Black malt
Black malt
Black malt is produced from the ready-made Pilsen malt and is used for dark beers.

Wheat malt
Wheat malt
Wheat malt is made from high quality malting wheat. The malting process of wheat is similar to that of barley.
We cooperate with the most reliable distributors who expand the sales of Belarusian malt where there is no Belsolod office. Today our official distributors are represented by companies from Russia, Ukraine and Armenia. Our partners deliver excellent customer service and ensure the high quality of our products.